Friday, May 27, 2011

Off Topic: Jon's Amazing Roast Tomato and Pancetta Pasta

I'm quite a fan of getting into the kitchen. When you manage cook up something that really hits the mark it's very satisfying. It's similar to the feeling you get when you finish painting a miniature you're particularly proud of. I came up with this recipe on the spot while wondering the aisles of the supermarket with an urge for roasted tomatoes. I say "came up with," but to be honest it probably just got lodged in my brain after watching some random cookery show or other on the telly. It's tasty stuff though, so I thought I'd share it.

It should take about 30 minutes to cook, fridge-to-plate, and quantities are listed per-person.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dark Heresy Podcast - Episode 12

Download it here, listen with the embedded player below, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.

With the arrival of Foss, the acolytes get to listen in on the proceedings. They debate what to do next after Foss offers them a new task to perform.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dark Heresy Podcast - Episode 11

Download it here, listen with the embedded player below, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.

The team check out the meeting place as directed by Foss, and discover a problem. Garvel displays his abilities.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Dark Heresy Podcast - Episode 10

And finally, here is episode 10 in the tale of our intrepid acolytes. It's a bit late again, since the whole thing with BattleScribe's notice of infringement took up most of my attention over the last week or so. I decided to put my efforts into developing new version which would help users share data files amongst themselves, since I had to take down the website hosting data files.

Still, the good news is that after spending some more time messing around with Audacity, I've figured out a much less manual process for editing the podcast. This should mean I can get them fixed up and released with much less time and effort than previously, so hopefully no more weeks with missing episodes...

Download it here, listen with the embedded player below, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.

Dirk, Inteos, Conrad and Milo get themselves a new van and quit the safehouse to hole up at Garvel's place. They are introduced to the man they are seeking, Hecklan Foss, who gives them a task to do.