Monday, February 28, 2011

Dark Heresy Podcast - Episode 3

Episode three of our Dark Heresy podcast is now available - download it here, listen with the embedded player below, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.

The battle at the safe house rages on. Dirk and Intios manage to clear out the inside, but Conrad and Milo have difficulty dealing with the gangers in the corridor...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dark Heresy Podcast - The Characters: Intios Atellus

The first of a short series where the players in our Dark Heresy campaign write up a little background on their characters. First up is Tom, who's playing Intios Atellus, a void-born psyker.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dark Heresy Podcast - Episode 2

Episode two of our Dark Heresy podcast is now available - download it here, subscribe via RSS, subscribe via iTunes or listen with the embedded player below.

Milo leads the team to the safe house. The players get their first taste of combat!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dark Heresy Podcast - Episode 1

Episode one of our Dark Heresy podcast has now been released! Download it here, subscribe via RSS, subscribe via iTunes or listen with the embedded player below.

The players discover their mission, before descending into the depths of Manufactorum District 6-80 to meet their contact, Milo Drex.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dark Heresy Campaign: An Introduction

Around here we occasionally do a bit of role-playing. Perhaps once every few of months, when we have enough people together to play, we tend to have a brutal, 10 hour or longer gaming session. So far it's mostly been Dungeons and Dragons 2 and 3.5, and so far I've only been a player, not a games master. This Christmas, however, things changed. My friend Jack Sandwich picked me up a copy of the Dark Heresy rulebook. Taking the hint, I dove in and started cooking up a campaign to run.

Edit: Podcast episodes are being released every Monday. Subscribe via RSS or iTunes