Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dark Heresy Podcast - The Characters: Intios Atellus

The first of a short series where the players in our Dark Heresy campaign write up a little background on their characters. First up is Tom, who's playing Intios Atellus, a void-born psyker.

Intios Atellus
By Tom

Born on a black ship to a pair of unsanctioned psykers, Intios was discovered by Inquisitor Orland, curious as to what could be done with a psyker brought up from birth. His earliest memories are of watching heretics being executed, every time being told "If I had not spared you, this would be your fate." Life was hard and filled with constant lessons, training and prayers. He was fully aware of his potential, but was treated as less than human.

As soon as his powers manifested he endured the trials of sanctioning, becoming chemically castrated in the process. Being found worthy, he given into the care of the inquisition's psyker cadre. Here he would be properly trained and his powers honed so he may one day prove useful in the eyes of the God-Emperor.

During his time with Inquisitor Orland's cadre, he grew to despise all heretics and those he saw unworthy of the Emperor. He strongly believes that even minor heretics should not be spared, and a quick execution is always the best option. He keeps a data slate close at hand and is constantly taking notes on those he meets, so he can report everything back to his inquisitor. More often than not, he has nothing good to say about any of them. In his eyes, only he is truly trying his best to serve the Emperor, and all others are just going through the motions. They do not understand the honour that they have been given.

He has been waiting for an opportunity to get himself noticed. He was assigned to the inquisition's processing facility, Hive Secundus, to mind-scan guardsmen accused of heresy. Struck by the piousness of a particular subject, one Cpl Conrad Wensleydale, he flagged that this man was innocent and should not be sent to the penal legions.

This show of individuality and strength of faith brought the personal attention of Inquisitor Orland, in need of a team for a certain mission. Subsequently recruited for the task, Intios finally has his chance to prove himself in the eyes of the inquisition and the God-Emperor himself.

Note: I'm not sure where the lovely image above came from, so if it's yours, please contact me. I'll remove it or credit you at your request.

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